I'm never going to talk about Dwarf Fortress. From hence forth it shall not be capitalized. It shall be called dwarf fortress. Not because as a writing aid dwarf fortress isn't a masterpiece. It is indeed a masterpiece.

Dwarf Fortress is one of many, and I want the flower wasteland of neocities to think of different games in that light.
Star Sector is basically a character maker. Stellaris is a setting generator in the vain of dwarf fortress...
I'm not talking about the game. That's a boring politics simulator disguised as a genocide machine. The character creation screen is the only good part of the game. Telling yourself "I spent hundreds of hours on a game" is admitting that it doesn't respect your time. At least, thats why I forbade myself from ever playing Stellaris - or any game that uses up "writing energy."
I'm writing a very silly, and over edgy science fiction about trauma.
| Star System | Distance from Earth |
| Proxima Centauri | 4.24 light-years |
| Alpha Centauri (A & B) | 4.37 light-years |
| Barnard's Star | 5.96 light-years |
The lost research colony of Trokk orbits Barnard's Star near Solar Imperial Space. The sentient lobsters which live there identify themselves as trokk. A civil war divided the trokk race in the distant past and destroyed all but two of the trokk star systems utilizing weapons far beyond the scale of human civilization. While the trokk of Barnard's Star live on a small research base home to a few cities, the trokk on Trokk live on a much different prosperous metropolis. Currently, the trokk of Trokk have not been able to contact the trokk on Trokk.
Trokk produce speech by scrapping vocal ribs beneath their soft underbellies which to the ears of humans always sounds like some variation of "trokk.trotrokk trokk."
Communication between humans and trokk would be possible with the aid of a microphone theoretically, but human civilization has never deciphered their language. Humans who understand trokk and communicate with them utilizing sign language exist on Trokk, but nowhere else.