Zelira's Stories

"The biggest hurdle that all who want to write must conquer is of one's self-consciousness. It is easy to fall into a pit of despair when it comes to ones own work be it from fear of what one makes not turning out as less than good at first, or of fear of the critique that comes from one's peers. How it worked out for me in getting past this is first focus on crafting something and appreciate the fact that you've taken the step forward despite their being flaws that can and will blindside you in the process. Any critique that comes your way take it in stride and don't view it as a failure on your part, view it as encouragement to continue on. Once it's all said and done before you know it, you'll have taken a giant leap for yourself, and with the critique from your family, friends, and peers you can take your first draft and go even further beyond."

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